Bluetooth mouse lose connection every few minutes

Tips to check these settings:


Go to Device Manager

Click on the network adapter to expand the list

right click on the adapter and choose properties

click the power management tab

If allow this computer to turn this device off to save power is checked, please uncheck it.

Repeat this process for all the network adapters.


I am not sure if this will help but it is worth a shot.


Step 1. Go to device manager

Step 2. Right click on "Bluetooth Peripheral Device" that you want

Step 3. Select "Update Driver Software..."

Step 4. Choose "Browse my computer for driver software"

Step 5. Choose "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer"

Step 6. Select "Ports (COM & LPT)"

Step 7. Select "Microsoft" at "Manufacturer" list

Step 8. Finally select "Standard Serial over Bluetooth link"

If you are still unable to pair with a Bluetooth device try the following:



Step 1. Search for "Change device" in the Windows 8 Start menu.

Step 2. Click on where it says Change device installation settings.

Step 3. Select the No, let me choose what to do option.

Step 4. Check the automatically get the device app option

Step 5. Click Save changes to save the settings you just chose

As well you can try this


Step 1: Go to RUN (Windows Logo + R) and type “services.msc” and Enter

Step 2: Now find “Bluetooth Support Service” and double click on it

Step 3: Now click on Log On Tab and Type in "Local Service" without quotes

Step 4. Click on “This Account”

Step 5: Now remove any passwords leave the password field blank

Step 6: Underneath the upper left title should be a hyperlink "Start" Click it





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Datum přidání:
2017-10-04 12:08:07
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